Advanced Machining


Pre-sales services

For several years, CRENO has been collaborating with some of its customers on innovation projects, with the support of the State or joint State-Industry entities (France Relance, FUI, Corac…).  The objective is to develop solutions for the future in co-engineering, and to validate them through representative tests at our application center in Annecy. This application center is constantly evolving (in mechanics, automation and software) to remain at the highest level of the state of the art and the associated TRLs, and thus to best meet your requirements.


For your investment projects, each request is studied by a multidisciplinary pre-project team. We recommend working on your specifications as early as possible to determine the best technology to implement. 

We are present at the majority of trade shows and are always listening to new technologies and your needs.

Multi-process machining robot cell dedicated to our customers and our R&T teams

Application center

Application center

Multi-process machining robot cell dedicated to our customers and our R&T teams

Close to you

Thanks to our local dedicated teams